b'Booking ConditionsThe following booking conditions together with our Privacy Policy anddeposits and all additional deposits are not refundable except where any other written information we brought to your attention before weexpressly stated in these booking conditions. confirmed your booking, form the basis of your contract with Great Rail Journeys Limited of 4th and 5th Floors, HQ Building, Hudson Quarter,The balance of the cost of your holiday must be paid no less than 60 Toft Green, York, North Yorkshire, YO1 6JT ("we", "us" or "ourselves") Regdays before departure (90 days for European River Cruise). If a cheque No 3208093. Please read them carefully as they set out our respectivepayment is declined by your bank for any reason, an administration rights and obligations. By asking us to confirm your booking, we arecharge of 30 will be made. If you return your payment counterfoil entitled to assume that you have read these booking conditions andbefore the date that payment is due, this authorises us to take payment agree to them. References to "you" and "your" means all personsearly. If we do not receive all payments in full and on time, we are named on the booking (including anyone who is added or substituted atentitled to assume that you wish to cancel your booking. In this case, we a later date), or any of them as applicable.will be entitled to keep all deposits paid or due at that date. If we do not cancel straight away because you have promised to make payment, you References to "holiday", "booking", "tour" or "arrangements" means themust pay the cancellation charges shown in clause 8 depending on the holiday arrangements which we agree to make, provide or perform (asdate we reasonably treat your booking as cancelled.applicable) as part of our contract with you, unless otherwise stated. By making a booking, the first named person on the booking ("partyExcept for flight inclusive bookings, all monies you pay to one of our leader") agrees on behalf of all persons detailed on the booking that:authorised travel agents for your holiday with us will be held by the agent on your behalf until a contract between us comes into existence. a. He/she has read these booking conditions and has the authority toAfter that point, your agent will hold the monies on our behalf on trust, and does agree to be bound by them;until they are paid to us. For flight inclusive bookings, all monies paid b. He/she consents to our use of information in accordance with ourto any authorised travel agent of ours for your holiday with us will be Privacy Policy;held on behalf of and for the benefit of the Trustees of the Air Travel c. He/she is over 18 years of age and where placing an order for servicesTrust subject to the travel agent\'s obligation to pay such monies to with age restrictions declares that he/she and all members of theus in accordance with our trading terms unless we fail. In the unlikely party are of the appropriate age to purchase those services;event of our financial failure, all monies then held by the travel agent or d. He/she accepts financial responsibility for payment of the booking onsubsequently paid by you to the travel agent will be held by the agent behalf of all persons named on the booking; andon behalf of and for the benefit of the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust e. He/she accepts responsibility for passing all documentation andwithout any obligation on the agent to pay such monies to us. information in regards to the booking on to all persons named on the booking.3. Accuracies We endeavour to ensure that all the information and prices both on 1. Making Your Bookingour website and in our brochures are accurate, however occasionally You may book with us by telephone, online or via one of our authorisedchanges and errors occur and we reserve the right to correct prices and travel agents. Once we (or your authorised travel agent) have receivedother details in such circumstances. You must check the current price all appropriate payments, we will, subject to availability, confirm yourand all other details relating to the arrangements that you wish to book holiday over the telephone (where you or your travel agent make thebefore you make your booking. booking by telephone) or by e-mailing or otherwise sending a booking confirmation letter/invoice to the party leader. We reserve the right to4. Entry, Passports, Visa & Immigration Requirements, Safety & return your deposit and decline to issue a confirmation at our absoluteHealth Formalities discretion. Where you book through one of our authorised travel agents,We can only provide general information regarding entry, passport, visa, the booking confirmation letter/invoice and all other communicationsimmigration requirements and safety and health formalities applicable will be sent to your agent and you should also contact us through theto your package itinerary. It is your responsibility to check such agent. Alternatively, you can book online via our website in which caserequirements (in good time before departure), in order to make your your holiday booking will be acknowledged by e-mail and a bookingdecisions to fulfil such requirements regarding your destination and/or confirmation letter/invoice will follow. The acknowledgement of yourthe country(ies) through which you may be transiting through.booking is not a confirmation of it and does not create a legally binding contract. A binding contract between you and us only comes intoSuch information which you may need to check includes (but is not existence once we have issued you with a booking confirmation that willlimited to) passport requirements including how valid your passport confirm the details of your booking and will be sent to you or your travelmust be after return date, whether your passport must be machine agent who will then send it on to you. All references in these bookingreadable or which visas/waivers may be required for entry such as ESTA conditions to the confirmation of your booking means the bookingfor USA travel, ETA for UK travel and/or ETIAS for EU travel.confirmation letter/invoice. A provisional booking can be made by phone but you must send the applicable payment within 7 days, or theYou must check requirements for your own specific circumstances provisional booking will automatically lapse.with the relevant bodies as applicable. We have provided a few useful resources below, though it is your responsibility to check and see if such If your confirmed arrangements include a flight, we (or if you booked viaa body would be relevant to yourself.an authorised agent of ours, that agent) will also issue you with an ATOL Certificate. Upon receipt, of the booking confirmation, ATOL Certificatethe Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO, https://or any other document, please check all of the details carefully. Inwww.gov.uk/travelaware) (applicable to UK residents);particular, please check that the initials or forenames and surnamesUK Passport Office (0870 5210410 or https://www.gov.uk/browse/given match those on your passports as we make reservations usingcitizenship. this information. If you believe that any details are incorrect, youEmbassies, High Commission and/or Consulates; must advise us immediately as changes cannot be made later and it own doctor. may harm your rights if we are not notified of any inaccuracies in any document within ten days of our sending it out (five days for tickets).For UK residents booking European travel, you should obtain a UK We will do our best to rectify any mistake notified to us outside theseGlobal Health Insurance Card (UK GHIC) prior to departure unless you time limits but you must meet any costs involved in doing so. The onlyare able to rely upon an existing European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). exception to this requirement to meet costs is where the mistake inFor travel to Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, UK GHIC question was made by us and there is good reason why you did not telland EHIC can not be used for medical treatment. Passengers to these us about it within these time limits.destinations should obtain comprehensive medical insurance prior to departure, including cover for emergency medical treatment and Where you choose to book separate travel with a separate provider toassociated costs.compliment and/or supplement your booking with us (including but not limited to, flights, hotels and connecting rail travel), we will have noWe do not accept any responsibility if you cannot travel, or incur any liability to you in regard to how this travel effects and/or is effected byother loss because you have not complied with any entry, passport, visa, your booking made with us.immigration requirements or health formalities. You agree to reimburse us in relation to any fines or other losses which we incur as a result 2. Paymentof your failure to comply with any entry passport, visa, immigration You are required to send us the appropriate deposit per person (asrequirements or health formalities.detailed on the relevant tour page) or full payment if booking within 60 days of departure (90 days for European River Cruise). In addition to the5. Travel Insurance deposit applicable to the holiday, a further additional deposit is requiredIt is a condition of booking that you take out adequate and appropriate of a minimum of 20% of the additional cost for any booking variationstravel insurance cover. We recommend you do this at time of booking including flight and hotel upgrades and holiday extensions. Please note,so that your deposit (less any applicable excess) is recoverable in the 116'