b'NEW TWO COUNTRIESON ONE NEW TOURDreaming of Australias iconic sights such as Uluru, the Great Barrier Reef and Sydney Opera House, but also drawn to MilfordKATA TJUTASound and the Franz Josef Glacier in New Zealand? Our brand-new tour allows you to tick-off all of these and more on one unforgettable holiday!Discover our new Highlights of Australia & New Zealand touron page 38.MILFORD SOUND SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE Feel awestruckbyAustralasia Two very different countries, but both boasting evocative sights and world-famous destinations. Dive into Australias Great Barrier Reef, be spellbound by an atmosphericdinner within view of Uluru and uncover the delights of Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. New Zealands breathtaking landscapes leave visitors awestruck,while theres nothing like a warm Mori welcome.CULTURAL EXPERIENCESResident on these islands for tens of thousands of years, Aboriginal Australians and Mori people possess rich cultural connections to their lands. Taking part in a Sounds of Silence dinner in the shadow of Uluru, and hearing Mori folk tales at sacred Rotorua provides a greater understanding of the two countries. Enjoy the Highlights of Australia& New Zealand on page 38.ULURU MORI ART'